A Look at “Meojijuana”, Special Cannabis for Cats

  • Our feline companions will no longer need to be left out when we smoke joints at home with friends.
  • Now, they too will be able to enjoy the numerous benefits of cannabis.

Although they sometimes put their paws where they should not and can completely ruin our crop, cats also know what is good for them. Always audacious, they undoubtedly understand that the care we put into looking after those green plants at home must mean that their fruits bring an endless number of good results

Until now however, they were always left out when it came to enjoying cannabis. That has now ended: the American company Meowijuana has created "meowijuana" a strain specifically designed to be used and enjoyed by our inseparable feline friends. 

The slogan is quite clear regarding the matter: "For cats that need cannabis". Also, these cat lovers have left nothing to chance and also wanted our pets to have the same rights and duties as their human friends. So much so, that they have even created medical identification cards for their feline clients. The fact is, although 'meowijuana' is completely safe for them, they are not all equally tolerant to cannabis.

In any case, at Meowijuanaville you can find different products to be used and enjoyed by our cat colleagues. It is always a good time to give away some flakes of different strains of cannabis or spray cannabis as presents to our pets. Moreover, the company states that all of their products come with a toy that can be used to give pets the cannabis.

So in one way or another, when we gather at home to enjoy some joints with friends, our pet will no longer be the one that is unable to join in. Cats of the world, it is time to celebrate.

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