You Would Never Imagine What Other Plant aside from Cannabis Produces CBD

  • Linen also has this appealing compound in its seeds and fibres. It has the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis and its treatment does not affect the levels of cannabidiols or their effectiveness. Professionals from a Polish university made the discovery a few years ago. However, it is not the only plant that it shares these characteristics with. 

We had always thought that cannabinoids, those molecules that are synthesised from lipids and which act on cannabinoid receptors, were exclusively found in cannabis. However, recent research studies have determined that this type of compounds are also to be found in many other plants, and are also produced naturally by the human body and by other animals, and can be obtained in a laboratory.

There are many different types of cannabinoids found in different plants, and increasingly, new names are being discovered to add to the list. One such plant is linen, a valuable source of fibres, seeds and oil. The plant has been extensively studied over time, and the studies have shown that it has numerous properties that are beneficial for health.

In 2012 researchers discovered that linen seeds and its fibre produced compounds very similar to cannabinoids and that it achieved similar anti-inflammatory results.

Professionals from the faculty of Biotechnology at the University in Breslava, in Poland, experimented with mice and found that this vegetable matter created a kind of cannabinoid that acted biologically on the animals, in the same way as cannabidiol (CBD) in cannabis. Afterwards, they found that it produces CBD, a type of cannabinoid that has lots of medicinal properties. They also concluded that treatment of the fibre did not affect the levels of this compound or its activity.

Linen is not the only specimen that creates an element so characteristic of cannabis. A few years ago another study showed that cannabigerol (CBG) and its precursor cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) are present in another South African herb. Other reports state that the cannabichromene (CBC) is present in Chinese rhododendron.

These are examples that make it clear that cannabis is made up of very natural elements that are found in our surroundings. Assimilating the purity of things will lead the most reticent to understand the purity of our favourite plant. 

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