New Obstacle for Cannabis Nuns of California: They Cannot Sell on the Internet

  • The Sisters of the Valley are a group of nuns that devote their time to creating medicines from cannabis. Their story has become known all over the world as well as the subject of attention on the part of photographers, journalists and onlookers. The latest news about them concerns a new obstacle that has turned up on their arduous path. 

There are numerous hindrances at present when it comes to dealing with cannabis-derived products. The people affected on this occasion are the Sisters of the Valley, a group of nuns that have long been engaged in the production of medicinal products derived from the marijuana plant, harvesting during the lunar cycle and growing during prayer.

This group has already been featured in the media and in photographic reports by artists who have rushed to take pictures of the nuns. This time, however, the novelty surrounding them lies in the restrictions their singular trade is now facing. The sisters, who live in the town of Merced, in California’s Central Valley, are fighting to defend their right to trade with the fruits of their labour.

Hermanas del Valle – Las Monjas que cultivan marihuana para curar al mundo @furiamag

— #KuchiFmFotos (@hacerfotos) 6 de abril de 2016

Their activities had been undisturbed until last week, when their web server company banned them from making any sales. This situation has generated feelings of unease among the nuns, who have commented on the serious financial problems besetting them because their product, now ready for marketing, could not be placed at their customers’ disposal.

In order to address this problem, the sisters have created Save the Sisters’ Business, a call to raise funds on an online platform, with which they expect to be able to continue with their work. The platform is also used for divulging the reasons for the closure as well as the latest news about their situation.

Although, in strictly legal terms, the Sisters of the Valley’s business does not violate any existing laws in the state of California, it is not well regarded among the more conservative sectors in society or among those who object to the marketing of cannabis-derived products, even if with strictly therapeutic and medical purposes in mind.

The products they handcraft include balms, dyes and lotions, all of which are made from medical marijuana, which is an excellent ally for combatting nausea, inflammations, anxiety and depression, as proven by various studies made over the last few years.

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