Jodie Emery, the Canadian 'cannabis princess' who could govern Vancouver

  • Jodie Emery is one of the most well-known Canadian cannabis activists on an international level, along with her husband Marc Emery. For years, she has expressed her desire to legalize marijuana and to fight against restrictive policies. Now, Emery could become a good candidate to govern Vancouver with the Liberal Party.

The cannabis activist Jodie Emery (known as “the marijuana princess”) may be the final solution in the quest to legalize cannabis in Canada. This comes following her announcement on Monday that she will stand as a candidate to lead the Liberal Party in Vancouver (a city on the country’s pacific coast). The party maintains a positive stance on marijuana acceptance.

However, the idea of going into politics–despite having a husband as a guide, since he founded the “Party of Canada”–was first encouraged by ‘Vancouver East Federal Liberal Riding Association’. In fact, shortly before she announced her candidacy–when she still had doubts about going for it–she stated that she had not spoken with the Liberal Party itself, did not know their opinion, and that her decision had not been proposed by the party itself.

The progressive move made by Jodie threatens the conservative party, who normally claims that marijuana legalization would provide a bad example for children. The conservatives also attack Justin Trudeau (the current liberal representative) for having instigated a “very aggressive” policy in favour of legalization.

In any case, Emery states that her candidature can offer the liberal party a clear chance of victory as she defines herself and her husband as “high profile people”, who are well-known, with great public support, specifically regarding cannabis issues. However, Emery’s candidacy still needs to be approved by a committee who will analyse it and decide the best party leadership option.


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