Autumn Recipes: Chocolate Cannabis Pudding

  • Autumn is here ... with its rainy days, brown leaves, and a yearning to just lie on the sofa with a blanket and a movie.
  • If you have taken advantage of the summer to grow outdoors, you must have already harvested your plants and dried your precious green treasure, now having succulent and fragrant flowers that you can consume in many ways, like using this special ingredient in your recipes.
  • Today we suggest one that will be just what the doctor ordered on those rainy afternoons when you only want to snuggle up at home as rain patters against your windows.
  • Chocolate cannabis pudding is a recipe as simple as it is exquisite, perfect to share with friends on a Sunday afternoon. 

Before starting with the instructions for this delicious recipe, we must underscore that you need to be very careful when preparing this or any other dish with marijuana. Cannabis consumption through combustion or vaporization causes the effect to be experienced almost immediately. When ingesting it, however, marijuana's psychoactive effects take longer to kick in, and if you overdo it you can suffer a bad experience. If you have never consumed cannabis in this way, we recommend you start with small amounts and patiently wait to gauge your body's reaction. That said, let's get to the recipe. Read on!

Chocolate cannabis pudding: Ingredients for four

Preparation time: 10 minutes (let stand for 3 hours)

  • 500 ml whole milk
  • 180 g sugar
  • 1 tablespoon pure cocoa powder
  • 300 g of chocolate for melting
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 teaspoons cannabis butter
  • A pinch of salt
  • A cup of very hot coffee
  • 10 g dark chocolate

Preparing the cannabis butter


  1. Half fill a saucepan with water and heat it up slowly. Since water's temperature cannot exceed 100ºC, by doing so, you make sure cannabis doesn't go past 150ºC, which is when some cannabinoids start to evaporate.
  2. Add both the butter and the buds to the saucepan and wait 'till the butter melts.
  3. Using a wooden spatula, gently stir the cannabis buds around. Cook it on low heat for about 30 minutes.
  4. Move the pot away from the burner and pour the contents into a wooden bowl using a sieve to remove any remaining plant debris.
  5. Let it cool down in the bowl and refrigerate until butter solidifies at the top. Once solid, it is very easy to spoon it out.

Preparing the chocolate cannabis pudding

  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan until it begins to boil. Remove the pan from the burner and set aside.
  2. Mix the eggs with the sugar in a bowl and whisk.
  3. Add cocoa powder, coffee and 100 ml of hot milk. Stir until the mixture is homogeneous.
  4. When the texture of the mixture is puree-like, add it to the saucepan with the remaining hot milk, and simmer for 6 minutes.
  5. Pour into a bowl and add the previously chopped chocolate, stirring it until dissolved. Add the cannabis butter.
  6. Pour the mixture into small, individual bowls and let cool for 3 hours (preferably in the refrigerator)

And ... voilà ... a simple and very tasty recipe that will delight your guests. Bon appétit!

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