Cannabis Regulates Intestinal Flora and May Prevent Obesity

  • A Canadian study has found that THC not only protects users by keeping parasites in the body under control, but also prevents individuals from gaining weight, despite the ingestion of fatty foods. These results help explain why, although cannabinoids increase appetite, they do not cause people to gain weight. 

The properties of cannabis are endless, and the results of research on them never cease to surprise the sector. According to a new study led by Canadian professionals at the University of Calgary and the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the plant positively affects intestinal flora and has great potential to prevent and treat obesity.

For six weeks the researchers experimented with mice, which were divided into several groups: some were given high-fat diets, while others were given a lean one; some were administered THC, and the others were given a placebo. The animals that had consumed low-fat foods, whether exposed to the psychoactive component or not, did not gain weight.

Meanwhile, those who had ingested fatty food and had not taken this substance increased their body weights by 20%. But those who consumed high-calorie products and were under the influence of marijuana did not gain a gram.

This study demonstrates that there is a relationship between body mass, cannabis consumption, and the microorganisms living in the intestine. It turns out that the intestines of the obese mice contained high proportions of microbes which, according to the findings, the daily administration of THC keeps under control, while protecting the animal. The report, therefore, speculates about the possibility that this product interacts with intestinal flora, thereby preventing weight gain.

These results complement those of a 2011 study which determined that marijuana users were less likely to gain weight. This is an important contribution to Science, as cannabinoid consumption is commonly associated with increased appetites (which is true), leading some to think that they will gain weight. This plant is truly a pleasure for everyone.

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