An Influential Group of British MPs Considers Marijuana Consumption a Human Right

  • They believe that Europe should completely legalise cannabis consumption, above all for the sake of young people's safety, and that when prohibitionist policies are misguided they need to be adjusted.

Important UKMPs have concluded that international treaties prohibiting substances like cannabis need to be revised. More specifically, they believe that the consumption of grass should be classed as a human right for users, and completely legalised all across Europe.

They are members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform, an informal committee made up of figures, from a range of parties, who formerly held key positions, such as: Ian Blair (Metropolitan Police Commissioner), Lord Charles Falconer (Secretary of State for Justice), Neil Kinnock (Labour Party Leader), and Lord Nigel Lawson (Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer). In a report they explained that Article 8 of the European Human Rights Agreement, which cites the right to a private and family life, could be invoked by consumers who face some type of persecution.

“In the European countries [the article] could be invoked to argue that the possession, acquisition or growing of cannabis for personal use, in small amounts, provided that it does not violate the rights of other people, indirectly or directly, should not be prohibited.” They added that adjustments ought to be made to keep from violating people's rights when there is a prohibitionist response to activities related to these types of products.

The leaders also indicated that, as long as cannabis is much safer than alcohol or tobacco, it “seems ridiculous” for the latter to be legal while the former is not. Its illegality, they say, “spurs young people to look for more dangerous options, and our concern is for their safety.” That is, they have young people specifically in mind when they endorse overturning current cannabis-related policies.

If their opinions were heard the country could, among other things, adopt the model of Holland's “coffee shops” for the sale of marijuana, or the government could hold a monopoly on it, so as to ensure users a safe purchase.

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