NASA's Hydroponic Garden Can Give You Ideas for Your Cannabis Growing

  • It's circular, rotates, and with it anyone can control the lighting, temperature and amount of water plants receive. It is the agency’s idea, but some have thought about bringing it to Earth and using it to grow all kinds of plants. Cannabis lovers cannot miss out on such a golden opportunity to discreetly cultivate their plants at home. 

NASA always astonishes us with its innovations. Some time ago the inhabitants of the International Space Station tried the first plants harvested in space, thanks to an LED light system that cannabis cultivators could also take advantage of. But this is not the only invention that cannabis growers could copy without having to travel into outer space.

These professionals also came up with a sort of wheel that functions like a hydroponic garden, saves energy, and makes it possible to care for huge quantities of vegetables. One of this organisation's ideas is for the Rotary Garden to provide astronauts with all kinds of fresh produce. Some have expressed interest in using its technology on Earth and taking advantage of benefits that would be very beneficial for our favourite plant. This is the best solution for lovers of plants, especially cannabis.

The device, adapted for planet Earth by DesignLibero, based in Milan, allows users to produce agricultural products right at home. As a circular contraption, the plants are distributed evenly around its surface, and can exploit light from every angle (which helps to reduce consumption), although it emanates from the centre. The wheel's gravity, meanwhile, helps to optimise grass cultivation.

The outer portion conceals a motor that rotates the plants and includes a water tank and a pump that automatically waters them. It also features a perforated inner wheel where one can include all kinds of fertilisers and stimulants to support his marijuana plants and their roots.

The device is also easy to use, intuitive, and can be controlled using a tablet or smartphone. Its controls are variable, so the user can adjust the amount of light, its temperature, and even water to provide their cannabis plants with just the right amounts of each.

Its sleek, white appearance and discreet design will allow you to care for your marijuana plants without having to place them on your balcony. Your plants will be shielded from prying eyes and thrive throughout all their growth stages. If institutions like NASA are coming up with solutions like this one, we can hardly ignore them. 

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