Mexico to Increase the Amount of Cannabis Permitted for Personal Use from 5 to 28 grams

  • Many countries are opting ​​for a more tolerant stance towards the ownership and regulation of cannabis, in light of its therapeutic uses and based on respect for the individual liberties of their citizens. The latest addition to the list is Mexico, which has decided to increase the amount permitted for private consumption. The measure was announced after the holding of several forums to discuss marijuana.

The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, recently announced the latest legislative developments in his country with regards to marijuana. The Executive is preparing a new battery of measures that will allow citizens to possess up to 28 grams of cannabis.

Peña Nieto also clarified that this new figure, compared to the 5 grams the law has permitted thus far, is being introduced in Mexico with a view towards eventually legalising marijuana use for scientific and therapeutic purposes. It was also noted that the new regulation, compared to those passed thus far, was based on a perspective more sensitive to the issues of human rights and public health.

This decision came following the holding of the National Debate on Marijuana Use, which involved a total of five forums for debate and discussion that the Mexican government held with around 140 specialists in the field, including activists, opinion leaders and academics.

During these sessions it was concluded that marijuana regulation should move towards more open positions that take into account, for example, its enormous medical benefits. In addition, it is hoped that more permissive measures will mitigate the tragic problems that the trafficking of illegal drugs continues to generate in the country. This marks a dramatic change of course, especially when compared to the more restrictive regulations enacted by the Conservative administration of previous President Felipe Calderón (2006-2012).

As for the new figure, it should be noted that it is far greater than that posed by other neighbouring countries, like the 20 g in Colombia, or the 8 g in Peru, though it remains below the 40 g allowed in Uruguay, at the top of the list.

Peña Nieto stated that the appropriate measures will also be taken so that those who are currently incarcerated for having carried less than 28 grams are set free. The legal proceedings initiated to prosecute this type of consumption will also be suspended.

The president praised the forums for generating a pluralistic dialogue in which all positions were heard and the demands of Mexican society were assessed. If the measures proposed are approved in their current terms, the use of marijuana-based medications, and clinical research to register products containing the plant, would also be permitted. This is all very good news for Mexicans.

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