Marijuana: An Excellent Hangover Cure

  • If you drank too much this holiday season, cannabis consumption could be the cure for your headaches.

At Christmastime you have probably enjoyed time with your family, friends… and overdone it a bit. Eating and drinking are the two main focuses of our activities over these special days, but they are not without their negative consequences, and you probably kicked off your year with your head and stomach spinning from too much booze. Marijuana can be a good remedy, helping your body to quickly recover from alcohol's effects.

Marijuana activist Johnny Green states that cannabis consumption can be our best bet against a hangover, based on the effects that alcohol has on our body, according to the prestigious Mayo Clinic.

Alcohol causes the body to produces more urine, which, in turn, leads to dehydration (with effects like thirst, and feeling dazed and dizzy), triggers an inflammatory response in the immunological system (with symptoms like the inability to concentrate, memory problems, and loss of appetite) and irritates the lining of the stomach (causing abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting). Spirits also cause blood vessels to expand, giving us those terrible headaches after having a few drinks.

With the sole exception of dehydration, which you can solve the old fashioned way, by drinking amounts of water, the remaining hangover symptoms can all be mitigated by marijuana. Cannabis is the best treatment for neural inflammation and those terrible headaches, and can also increase your appetite, averting typical hangover nausea. Marijuana also helps you to relax and improves your mood, allowing you to take on the day after a big celebration with more cheer.

Considering all these positive effects, Johnny Green argues that, if we know that alcohol is going to run through our veins one night, we should have some marijuana at the ready to make the next day a lot more bearable.


With information from The Weed Blog.

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