The Authorities Do Not Concur: How Much Cannabis Does a Joint Contain?

  • Verifying the amount of cannabis that each joint contains is no easy task. It is only possible to estimate it based on general consumption levels and the number of people who smoke. The data will always be statistics that perhaps do not completely capture reality.

It is difficult to determine the exact dose of marijuana in a joint. Even in the United States, where recreational consumption is allowed in some states, different institutions have varying opinions.

In an effort to estimate quantities the US Office of National Drug Control Policy usually works with data referring to the number of users, the frequency of cannabis use, and its price. Based on an analysis of this information, in 2014 the department determined that each cigarette contains some 0.43 grams of grass.

Analysts also concluded that, according to 2010 data, there are 11.7 million infrequent users, 4 million weekly users, and 5.9 million daily or almost daily users. The amount of marijuana consumed in the country was gauged at 4,198 - 8,396 tons.

Now, however, that number seems to be too low. Many users with decades of experience claim that the ideal amount is 0.75 grams, citing their habits and the fact the federal government uses 0.75 - 0.9 grams of grass in each cigarette for its research programs.

However, this way of determining the amount of marijuana varies depending on the context, the year, and the place of consumption. It also depends on the type of survey that is conducted in order to obtain the data, and the people reached, so the numbers may change in the coming months. It is easiest for each user to independently find the right amount for him or her.

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